
    Verchne Beregovaya Str., 4, Pskov, Russia, 180006

    Phone and e-mail

    Phone. ☎:   +7 (911) 380-20-20

    Phone. ☎:  +7 (8112) 79-45-45

    Fax: +7 (8112) 79-45-45
    E-mail ✉,



    Phone. ☎: +7 (8112) 79-45-45

    e-mail ✉

    Human Resources Department

    Phone. ☎: +7 (8112) 79-45-79

    e-mail ✉


    For Partners

    We are open to new contacts and partners. 
    Phone. ☎: +7 (8112) 79-45-45

    e-mail ✉:


    Geographic coordinates

    For a route with Navigator use our geographic coordinates:
    Latitude: 57.822859, Longitude: 28.340356


    Welcome to restaurant - bar Rublev!