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Do you know the history of vinaigrette? - Completed 31.12.2019

Emperor Alexander I so passionately loved Russian cuisine that he did not go on any trip abroad without a chef's retinue.

 Once, during a business visit to France, the famous French chef Antoine Karem went into the kitchen where visiting Russian culinary specialists worked.

 Watching the work of foreign chefs, he became interested in cooking salad unknown to him from boiled beets, potatoes, onions, carrots, pickles and sauerkraut.

 Seeing that the finished dish was poured with vinegar, Carem, pointing to it, asked: "Vinaigre"? (fr. - vinegar). French cooks who do not understand anything nodded their heads, muttering "oui, oui, vinaigrette."

So a dish appeared in the tsar’s menu, which, going beyond the tsar’s court, in a short time became a familiar snack of Russian people.

 Try our signature vinaigrette in the Rublev bar!

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